Okay, well I did say this was going to be a bit of a random mix of a blog. But, the other day I went to see Carole Ann Duffy at a poetry reading, who is the English Poet Laureate and I absolutely loved her & her poetry. And it reminded me how much I like poetry- I studied Dylan Thomas last year and absolutely loved it. And I used to enjoy writing poetry too, so I thought I'd have another go. It didn't take long or anything and I was just playing about really, but any feedback would be welcome!!
It was sort of inspired by me having a lot of time on my hands now, haha, and how about 2 months ago it felt like I had none, and how time is so like, elusive and feels so different in different circumstances. And also, how in like the modern day a lot of time seems to be controlled by like computers and things, rather than good old fashioned ticking clocks, which I thought was sad in a way. Anyway:
It stretches and flies, it springs and it looms
It buzzes and flashes, it beeps and it crashes.But sometimes I wish it would tick.
“It’s precious”
So I tried.
To store it, or lock it, or keep it, or chase it, or mend it.
It spilt when I stored it,
It spread when I locked it,
It flew when I kept it,
It fled when I chased it;
I mended it and it broke.
It’s alive, selfish.
Not ticking to give me time to catch up.
Time changed time.
It no longer ticks.